
On Local Network

This guide shows you how to deploy an Avalanche L1 to a local Avalanche network.

This how-to guide focuses on taking an already created Avalanche L1 configuration and deploying it to a local Avalanche network.


Deploying Avalanche L1s Locally

In the following commands, make sure to substitute the name of your Avalanche L1 configuration for <blockchainName>.

To deploy your Avalanche L1, run:

avalanche blockchain deploy <blockchainName>

and select Local Network to deploy on. Alternatively, you can bypass this prompt by providing the --local flag. For example:

avalanche blockchain deploy <blockchainName> --local

The command may take a couple minutes to run.

Note: If you run bash on your shell and are running Avalanche-CLI on ARM64 on Mac, you will require Rosetta 2 to be able to deploy Avalanche L1s locally. You can download Rosetta 2 using softwareupdate --install-rosetta .


If all works as expected, the command output should look something like this:

> avalanche blockchain deploy myblockchain
 Local Network
Deploying [myblockchain] to Local Network
Network has already been booted.
Using [P-custom18jma8ppw3nhx5r4ap8clazz0dps7rv5u9xde7p] to be set as a change owner for leftover AVAX
Installing avalanchego-v1.12.1...
avalanchego-v1.12.1 installation successful
Backend controller started, pid: 33210, output at: /Users/l1-dev/.avalanche-cli/local/myblockchain-local-node-local-network/server.log
AvalancheGo path: /Users/l1-dev/.avalanche-cli/bin/avalanchego/avalanchego-v1.12.1/avalanchego
 Local cluster myblockchain-local-node-local-network not found. Creating...
Starting local avalanchego node using root: /Users/l1-dev/.avalanche-cli/local/myblockchain-local-node-local-network ...
 Booting Network. Wait until healthy...
Waiting for P-Chain to be bootstrapped
 Avalanchego started and ready to use from /Users/l1-dev/.avalanche-cli/local/myblockchain-local-node-local-network
Node logs directory: /Users/l1-dev/.avalanche-cli/local/myblockchain-local-node-local-network/node1/logs
Network ready to use.
NodeID: NodeID-ABuKofpRtHhFwAm4FXQNSpCR9jqtXWUwa
Your blockchain control keys: [P-custom18jma8ppw3nhx5r4ap8clazz0dps7rv5u9xde7p]
Your subnet auth keys for chain creation: [P-custom18jma8ppw3nhx5r4ap8clazz0dps7rv5u9xde7p]
CreateSubnetTx fee: 0.000010278 AVAX
Subnet has been created with ID: fvx83jt2BWyibBRL4SRMa6WzjWp7GSFUeUUeoeBe1AqJ5Ey5w
Now creating blockchain...
CreateChainTx fee: 0.000095680 AVAX
| DEPLOYMENT RESULTS |                                                    |
| Chain Name         | myblockchain                                       |
| Subnet ID          | fvx83jt2BWyibBRL4SRMa6WzjWp7GSFUeUUeoeBe1AqJ5Ey5w  |
| VM ID              | qDNV9vtxZYYNqm7TN1mYBuaaknLdefDbFK8bFmMLTJQJKaWjV  |
| Blockchain ID      | 2QGB9GbEhsFJLSRVii2mKs8dxugHzmK98G5391P2bvXSCb4sED |
+--------------------+                                                    +
| P-Chain TXID       |                                                    |
Now calling ConvertSubnetToL1Tx...
ConvertSubnetToL1Tx fee: 0.000036992 AVAX
ConvertSubnetToL1Tx ID: 2n6L5gfEFayPEWhc7XcpumfwHeqjyZLrcrFjvU5EugcXZ2xAAW
Waiting for L1 to be converted into sovereign blockchain ... 100% [===============]           
Restarting node node1 to track subnet
Waiting for blockchain myblockchain to be bootstrapped
Waiting for rpc to be available
 myblockchain-local-node-local-network successfully tracking myblockchain
 Checking if node is healthy...
 Node is healthy after 0 seconds
Initializing Proof of Authority Validator Manager contract on blockchain myblockchain ...
 Proof of Authority Validator Manager contract successfully initialized on blockchain myblockchain
RPC Endpoint:
ICM Messenger successfully deployed to myblockchain (0x253b2784c75e510dD0fF1da844684a1aC0aa5fcf)
ICM Registry successfully deployed to myblockchain (0x695Ea5FbeBBdc99cA679F5fD7768f179d2281d74)
ICM Messenger has already been deployed to c-chain
Relayer is not deployed due to there is already a local relayer deployed for Local Network
To deploy relayer, call `avalanche interchain relayer deploy`
 L1 is successfully deployed on Local Network
|                                                           MYBLOCKCHAIN                                                          |
| Name          | myblockchain                                                                                                    |
| VM ID         | qDNV9vtxZYYNqm7TN1mYBuaaknLdefDbFK8bFmMLTJQJKaWjV                                                               |
| VM Version    | v0.7.0                                                                                                          |
| Validation    | Proof Of Authority                                                                                              |
| Local Network | ChainID                  | 111                                                                                  |
|               +--------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
|               | SubnetID                 | fvx83jt2BWyibBRL4SRMa6WzjWp7GSFUeUUeoeBe1AqJ5Ey5w                                    |
|               +--------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
|               | BlockchainID (CB58)      | 2QGB9GbEhsFJLSRVii2mKs8dxugHzmK98G5391P2bvXSCb4sED                                   |
|               +--------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
|               | BlockchainID (HEX)       | 0xb883b54815c84a3f0903dbccd289ed5563395dd61c189db626e2d2680546b990                   |
|               +--------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
|               | RPC Endpoint             | |
|                                         ICM                                        |
| Local Network | ICM Messenger Address | 0x253b2784c75e510dD0fF1da844684a1aC0aa5fcf |
|               +-----------------------+--------------------------------------------+
|               | ICM Registry Address  | 0x695Ea5FbeBBdc99cA679F5fD7768f179d2281d74 |
|           TOKEN           |
| Token Name   | TUTORIAL Token |
| Token Symbol | TUTORIAL       |
|                                                        INITIAL TOKEN ALLOCATION                                                        |
| DESCRIPTION             | ADDRESS AND PRIVATE KEY                                          | AMOUNT (TUTORIAL) | AMOUNT (WEI)              |
| Used by ICM             | 0x001CBe3650FAD190d9ccBd57b289124F5131AA57                       | 600           | 600000000000000000000     |
| cli-teleporter-deployer | d00b93e1526d05a30b681911a3e0f5e5528add205880c1cafa4f84cdb2746b00 |               |                           |
| Main funded account     | 0x8db97C7cEcE249c2b98bDC0226Cc4C2A57BF52FC                       | 1000000       | 1000000000000000000000000 |
| ewoq                    | 56289e99c94b6912bfc12adc093c9b51124f0dc54ac7a766b2bc5ccf558d8027 |               |                           |
|                                                 SMART CONTRACTS                                                 |
| DESCRIPTION           | ADDRESS                                    | DEPLOYER                                   |
| Proxy Admin           | 0xC0fFEE1234567890aBCdeF1234567890abcDef34 | 0x8db97C7cEcE249c2b98bDC0226Cc4C2A57BF52FC |
| PoA Validator Manager | 0x0C0DEbA5E0000000000000000000000000000000 |                                            |
| Transparent Proxy     | 0x0Feedc0de0000000000000000000000000000000 |                                            |
|                      INITIAL PRECOMPILE CONFIGS                      |
| Warp       | n/a             | n/a               | n/a               |
|                                   NODES                                  |
| NAME  | NODE ID                                  | LOCALHOST ENDPOINT    |
| node1 | NodeID-7Xhw2mDxuDS44j42TCB6U5579esbSt3Lg | |
| node2 | NodeID-MFrZFVCXPv5iCn6M9K6XduxGTYp891xXZ | |
|                                            WALLET CONNECTION                                           |
| Network RPC URL | |
| Network Name    | myblockchain                                                                         |
| Chain ID        | 111                                                                                  |
| Token Symbol    | TUTORIAL                                                                                 |
| Token Name      | TUTORIAL Token                                                                           |

You can use the deployment details to connect to and interact with your Avalanche L1.

Deploying Avalanche L1s Locally

To deploy your Avalanche L1, run:

avalanche blockchain deploy myblockchain

Make sure to substitute the name of your Avalanche L1 if you used a different one than myblockchain.

? Choose a network for the operation: 
 Local Network
    Etna Devnet
    Fuji Testnet

Next, select Local Network.

This command boots a five node Avalanche network on your machine. It needs to download the latest versions of AvalancheGo and Subnet-EVM. The command may take a couple minutes to run.

Note: If you run bash on your shell and are running Avalanche-CLI on ARM64 on Mac, you will require Rosetta 2 to be able to deploy Avalanche L1s locally. You can download Rosetta 2 using softwareupdate --install-rosetta .

If all works as expected, the command output should look something like this:

avalanche blockchain deploy myblockchain
# output
 Local Network
Deploying [myblockchain] to Local Network
Backend controller started, pid: 53868, output at: /Users/l1-developer/.avalanche-cli/runs/server_20241120_183019/avalanche-cli-backend.log
Booting Network. Wait until healthy...
Node logs directory: /Users/l1-developer/.avalanche-cli/runs/network_20241120_183020/node<i>/logs
Network ready to use.
Deploying Blockchain. Wait until network acknowledges...
Blockchain ready to use
|                                                          MYBLOCKCHAIN                                                          |
| Name          | myblockchain                                                                                                   |
| VM ID         | qDNV9vtxZYYNqm7TN1mYBuaaknLdefDbFK8bFmMLTJQJKaWjV                                                              |
| VM Version    | v0.6.12                                                                                                        |
| Validation    | Proof Of Authority                                                                                             |
| Local Network | ChainID                  | 888                                                                                 |
|               +--------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
|               | SubnetID                 | 26eqgD4Kt1MvTKXC9BDjEwBAfhcBcHCKj2EXjR2UuFpSWoAHhw                                  |
|               +--------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
|               | Owners (Threhold=1)      | P-custom18jma8ppw3nhx5r4ap8clazz0dps7rv5u9xde7p                                     |
|               +--------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
|               | BlockchainID (CB58)      | 2BK8CKA4Vfvi69TBTc5GW94JQ9nPiL8xPpPNeeckb9UFSPYedD                                  |
|               +--------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
|               | BlockchainID (HEX)       | 0x9b1ca24503853edd6b6ac083f78adc8c36df74a85027e1b30535cc1032287805                  |
|               +--------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
|               | RPC Endpoint             | |
|           TOKEN           |
| Token Name   | TST Token |
| Token Symbol | TST       |
|                                                      INITIAL TOKEN ALLOCATION                                                      |
| DESCRIPTION         | ADDRESS AND PRIVATE KEY                                          | AMOUNT (OWEN) | AMOUNT (WEI)              |
| Main funded account | 0x8db97C7cEcE249c2b98bDC0226Cc4C2A57BF52FC                       | 1000000       | 1000000000000000000000000 |
| ewoq                | 56289e99c94b6912bfc12adc093c9b51124f0dc54ac7a766b2bc5ccf558d8027 |               |                           |
|                                                 SMART CONTRACTS                                                 |
| DESCRIPTION           | ADDRESS                                    | DEPLOYER                                   |
| PoA Validator Manager | 0x0C0DEbA5E0000000000000000000000000000000 |                                            |
| Transparent Proxy     | 0x0Feedc0de0000000000000000000000000000000 |                                            |
| Proxy Admin           | 0xC0fFEE1234567890aBCdeF1234567890abcDef34 | 0x8db97C7cEcE249c2b98bDC0226Cc4C2A57BF52FC |
|                      INITIAL PRECOMPILE CONFIGS                      |
| Warp       | n/a             | n/a               | n/a               |
|                                      MYBLOCKCHAIN RPC URLS                                      |
| Localhost | |
|                                   NODES                                  |
| NAME  | NODE ID                                  | LOCALHOST ENDPOINT    |
| node1 | NodeID-7Xhw2mDxuDS44j42TCB6U5579esbSt3Lg | |
| node2 | NodeID-MFrZFVCXPv5iCn6M9K6XduxGTYp891xXZ | |
| node3 | NodeID-NFBbbJ4qCmNaCzeW7sxErhvWqvEQMnYcN | |
| node4 | NodeID-GWPcbFJZFfZreETSoWjPimr846mXEKCtu | |
| node5 | NodeID-P7oB2McjBGgW2NXXWVYjV8JEDFoW9xDE5 | |
|                                           WALLET CONNECTION                                           |
| Network RPC URL | |
| Network Name    | myblockchain                                                                        |
| Chain ID        | 888                                                                                 |
| Token Symbol    | TST                                                                                |
| Token Name      | TST Token                                                                          |

To manage the newly deployed local Avalanche network, see the avalanche network command tree.

You can use the deployment details to connect to and interact with your Avalanche L1. Now it's time to interact with it.

Interacting with Your Avalanche L1

You can use the value provided by Browser Extension connection details to connect to your Avalanche L1 with Core, MetaMask, or any other wallet.


To allow API calls from other machines, use --http-host= in the config.

Browser Extension connection details (any node URL from above works):
Funded address:   0x8db97C7cEcE249c2b98bDC0226Cc4C2A57BF52FC with 1000000 (10^18) - private key: 56289e99c94b6912bfc12adc093c9b51124f0dc54ac7a766b2bc5ccf558d8027
Network name:     myblockchain
Chain ID:         888
Currency Symbol:  TUTORIAL

This tutorial uses Core.

Importing the Test Private Key

This address derives from a well-known private key. Anyone can steal funds sent to this address. Only use it on development networks that only you have access to. If you send production funds to this address, attackers may steal them instantly.

First, you need to import your airdrop private key into Core.

In the Accounts screen, select the Imported tab. Click on Import private key.

Here, enter the private key. Import the well-known private key 0x56289e99c94b6912bfc12adc093c9b51124f0dc54ac7a766b2bc5ccf558d8027.

Next, rename the Core account to prevent confusion. On the Imported tab, click on the pen icon next to your account. Rename the account DO NOT USE -- Public test key to prevent confusion with any personal wallets.

Rename Account

Rename Account

Connect to the Avalanche L1

Next, you need to add your Avalanche L1 to Core's networks.

In the Core Extension click, See All Networks and then select the + icon in the top right.

Add network

Enter your Avalanche L1's details, found in the output of your avalanche blockchain deploy command, into the form and click Save.

Add network 2

If all worked as expected, your balance should read 1 million tokens. Your Avalanche L1 is ready for action. You might want to try to Deploy a Smart Contract on Your Subnet-EVM Using Remix and Core.

Avalanche L1 in Core

Deploying Multiple Avalanche L1s

You may deploy multiple Avalanche L1s concurrently, but you can't deploy the same Avalanche L1 multiple times without resetting all deployed Avalanche L1 state.

Redeploying the Avalanche L1

To redeploy the Avalanche L1, you first need to wipe the Avalanche L1 state. This permanently deletes all data from all locally deployed Avalanche L1s. To do so, run

You are now free to redeploy your Avalanche L1 with

avalanche blockchain deploy <blockchainName> --local

Stopping the Local Network

To gracefully stop a running local network while preserving state, run:

avalanche network stop
# output
Network stopped successfully.

When restarted, all of your deployed Avalanche L1s resume where they left off.

Resuming the Local Network

To resume a stopped network, run:

avalanche network start
# output
Starting previously deployed and stopped snapshot
Booting Network. Wait until healthy...
Network ready to use. Local network node endpoints:
| NODE  |    VM    |                                        URL                                         |
| node5 | myblockchain | |
| node1 | myblockchain | |
| node2 | myblockchain | |
| node3 | myblockchain | |
| node4 | myblockchain | |

The network resumes with the same state it paused with.

Next Steps

After you feel comfortable with this deployment flow, try deploying smart contracts on your chain with Remix, Hardhat, or Foundry. You can also experiment with customizing your Avalanche L1 by addingprecompiles or adjusting the airdrop.

Once you've developed a stable Avalanche L1 you like, see Create an EVM Avalanche L1 on Fuji Testnet to take your Avalanche L1 one step closer to production.


How is the Avalanche L1 ID (SubnetID) determined upon creation?

The Avalanche L1 ID (SubnetID) is the hash of the transaction that created the Avalanche L1.

Last updated on